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EWANTA part 5 latest benin movie 2023

EWANTA part 5 latest benin movie 2023

< 00:31:04 > |

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mental health is a big case to dive into in our nation, but unfortunately little or no case is shown to those who suffers it. ewanta witness a horror scene... Read more

Category: Benin Movies, Episodal Movies, Movies from 2023...

mental health is a big case to dive into in our nation, but unfortunately little or no case is shown to those who suffers it. ewanta witness a horror scene at a very early age, and state of his life which he didnt have the strength to attack or speak up to because he was little of age. it affect his mental health and made him have POST TRUMATIC PERSONLITY DISSORDER (PTPD)which has now made his life a big mess wayward ghetto is the town where he lives and having two personality in such ghetto is a big danger to behold. watch how the story unfolds, will he ever find help? #ewanta5 #latestbeninmovie2023 #2ndtrending #beninwoodtv #truelifestory

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